aims to provide you with a safe & secure environment in which you search and find your life partner.

Why Safe Matrimony?

Today, a large number of people use online matrimony services to search for a life partner and millions have been married online. There have been a few instances reported in the media about fraudsters cheating some people on online matrimony sites. Safe Matrimony is our initiative to guide you to a safe search.

Never ever give money to anyone

Anybody asking you for money is in all probability a fraudster. They generally claim to be separated, divorced or living abroad and mostly target men and women in the age group 30 to 40, besides divorcees and widowers. Such people don't show their face and won't come on video chat. They may even use somebody else's photos. They win over you through sweet talks and false promises. Later they ask for money making up false stories like being stuck at the airport, lost credit cards and wallet, met with a sudden accident or someone is critically ill at home. In some cases, they say they want to send you money to settle down in India and later someone calls saying it is stuck at customs and need money to release the same. Fraudsters usually ask for single transfer of large sums. Some start with small amounts and follow up with requests for large sums.

NO physical relationship before marriage

Committing to a physical relationship before marriage can be very risky for you. Avoid meeting anyone alone and in a secluded place, instead meet them in public.

Check background details before committing to marriage

Please commit to marriage only after face to face meetings, especially after meeting prospective groom or bride's parents/ relatives. Visit their place of work. Do a thorough personal reference check and you may also want to look at their social media profiles. If the person is reluctant to share workplace or job details or meet in person along with parents you should be cautious. Do not commit to marriage or continue to communicate with such people.

Request for a photo

A photo will give you a good idea of the person's appearance, which may prove helpful in achieving a gut feeling.


You can use the Photo Request option on Since offers free scanning & upload services to its members, there's no reason someone shouldn't be able to provide you a photo. In fact, it's best to view several images of someone in various settings: casual, formal, indoor and outdoors. If all you hear are excuses about why you can't see a photo, consider that he or she has something to hide.

Chat on the phone

A phone call can reveal much about a person's communication and social skills. Consider your security and do not reveal your personal phone number to a stranger.


Use a pre paid mobile phone number or use local telephone blocking techniques to prevent your phone number from appearing in Caller ID. Only furnish your phone number when you feel completely comfortable and have some background information on the other person. If someone gives you a phone number with a strange area code, check it out to make sure it's not a charge number before you make the call.

Meet when YOU are ready

The beauty of meeting online is that you can collect information gradually, later choosing whether to pursue the relationship in the offline world. You never are obligated to meet anyone. Go at your own pace!


Remember that you are in control when it comes to taking an online relationship offline. Even if you decide to arrange a meeting, you always have the right to change your mind. It's possible that your decision to keep the relationship at the anonymous level is based on a hunch that you can't logically explain. Trust yourself. Go with your instincts.

Meet in a safe place

When you choose to meet offline it is a good idea to try and include either or both of your families. But if you trust the person enough to meet alone always tell a friend or your family where you are going and when you will return.


When you decide to meet face to face with someone for the first time, choose a public place (such as a restaurant / cafe) at a time when many people are around and ensure your own transportation to and fro. For the first meeting it is always good not to meet the other person alone. Take a friend or relative along and ask him/her to do the same. In case you do decide to meet him/her alone leave the name, address and telephone number of the person you are going to meet with your friend or family member. Take a cellular phone along with you.


Never arrange for your prospective match to pick you up or drop you at home.

Do not go to a secluded place or a movie alone at the first meeting.

We hereby declare that website is not a dating website and it is strictly for matrimonial purpose only.