1. How to register on BhavsarVadhuVar.com?

Registration is simple & free of cost! Just click on to BhavsarVadhuVar.com and REGISTER FREE by filling the details in the registration form.

Free registration

Provide name, age, gender, e-mail ID.

Click on Register link and you will have to enter on a couple of pages the details of the person intending to get married.

After you submit your information, your profile will be automatically created and you shall be given a 'MG ID' generated for future references and login purposes.

Paid registration

Provide name, age, gender, e-mail ID.

Click on Register link and you will have to enter details of the person intending to get married.

Choose package for the required period.

Click on Join Now link and you will find a page on which you could enter the details of the person intending to get married.

You shall have a 'MG ID' generated for further references and login purposes.

2. On what criteria is a profile validated?

Almost every word counts. We categorically ignore profiles that are submitted by underage persons, and profiles that contain abusive content. We reject profiles that contain invalid data such as added for fun/looking for friendship/not related to marriage. We try and maintain the highest quality in the database we serve to ensure only members who are serious about marriage make use of the service.

3. Can someone register on behalf of his/her relative or friend?

Yes. One can register a profile for ‘Self’ as well as on behalf of Son, Daughter, Sibling or a Relative/Friend.

4. How soon will my profile be visible in the search list?

All profiles registered on the site undergo a basic screening of content and photographs, post which it is made visible and searchable on the site. This process may take up to 24 hours.

5. How can I upload photos on my profile?

Uploading the photo is recommended but it's not mandatory. We suggest you to upload the photo by below steps:

  • Login to your profile
  • Click on Photos available on main page
  • Click on photo and select a photo from gallery
  • Select and upload. Every photo posted on our website involves a manual screening.The photo will get uploaded and will be made visible to other member within 24 hrs.
How many photos can I add?

You can add up to ten photos to your profile.

Photo must be a .jpeg, .jpg format, no larger than 1MB.

6. What is Mobile Number / E Mail Verification?

BhavsarVadhuVar display 100% verified mobile numbers / E mail Id. So, unless you verify your mobile number / E mail Id, you cannot use our service. The verification process is done free of cost. Only paid members can view your mobile number / E Mail Id and you will also get to know the members who have viewed your mobile number / E Mail Id.

7. What is partner preference?

Partner Preference is a feature that helps you define your ideal spouse and set your suitability criteria. You will be intimated by e-mail everyday about new profiles matching your criteria. With this feature you would receive information about members suiting your expectations regularly.

8.What is Express Interest?

'Express Interest' is an exclusive feature that enables you to send automated messages to members absolutely FREE and let them know that you are interested in them.

Is there a limit on the number of Express Interest messages I can send in a day?

You can send unlimited interests.

How will I know if a member has accepted/declined my interest?

You will be notified via e-mail when a member accepts/declines your interest. You can also login to your account and select the 'Inbox' option under Express Interest to know how many members have accepted/declined your interest.

Will my contact information be revealed to the member I have expressed my interest in?

No. Only an automated message expressing your interest will be sent to the member without revealing your contact information.

9. What is MG Profile ID?

A Profile ID is a unique combination of an alphabet and numbers (e.g. B123456). To identify you uniquely, a Profile ID is assigned to you when you register with us. This Profile ID is to be referred in all correspondences with BhavsarVadhuVar.com.

Can I choose my own Profile ID?

Every Profile ID is unique and is allocated by the system. You cannot choose your own Profile ID since it is system generated and cannot be changed under any circumstance.

10. I forgot my Password, how can I reset?

Resetting the Password is an easy process. Please click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the login page and enter your registered email ID of BhavsarVadhuVar to receive an Email with the link to reset your password.

11.What are the DO's and DON'Ts while creating a BhavsarVadhuVar profile?

Here are the Do's and Don'ts while creating your profile to give members the best portrayal of yourself.


While creating a matrimonial profile, give brief information about yourself in the profile description part. Try your best to touch upon various aspects of your life like:

Your personality (what kind of a person you are, your likes and dislikes).

Your educational and professional background including your achievements.

Your family (how many members, family values - conservative or modern).

Your career plans.

Your expectations from your soul mate.

Add a recent photograph to improve chances of getting responses.

Profiles with photos have 10 times better chances of getting proposals.


Please do not give a lengthy description. Try to keep your description short and complete and do not get into the minutest details.

Please do not try to display your contact details in your matrimonial profile, except in the space provided for contact details.

Do not include content that is vulgar or racist.

Also see our terms of use/service agreement for more details of what type of content is prohibited.

Not conforming to any of the above can lead to your profile being rejected.

12.How can I get good response on the site?

You can take these steps to get better response to the interests you send:

The number of responses you get will depend on how active you are on the extent to which your profile is complete. Please try to make sure that yor Profile Completion Score is as close to 100% as possible.

You should ensure that you added your photos, written about yourself and your family and that your profile is close to 100% complete. Profiles having more information tend to get better responses.

13. Added photographs and content on my profile and am still not getting good responses. Its also not showing on the site?

Profile content and photographs added on the profile undergo a process of Screening first. This make take up to a maximum of 24 hours duration. Please wait for the same to be screened and made live on the site. You may then expect people to see it and respond to you.

14.Can I receive recommendations/alerts on my email address as well?

Yes. You can subscribe for Match Alerts from the Alert Manager section where system would send the best recommendations for you. Please ensure to check junk/spam folder in your mailbox, in case you are unable to receive such mails in your Inbox.

15.How can I delete my Profile on BhavsarVadhuVar?

You may have found your match and may wish to delete your profile. Deleting your profile is very simple! Just follow these steps:
  • Click on the Settings in the Menu..
  • 2. On the Settings Page, click on 'Delete Profile'. You will be prompted to select reason for deletion.
  • 3. After specifying reason for deletion, you will be asked to enter your password. This is necessary to prevent unauthorized deletion of your profile.